If you follow Laurysen’s blog, you’ve no doubt heard about the San Valentino dance my friends and I host every year. We host it as a fundraiser for the Ottawa General Hospital Women’s Breast Health Centre, and have been known to pull out all the stops to reach our fundraising goals – including shaving our heads!
This year, the dance is on February 3, and we’ve set a fundraising goal of $5,000, which would buy the centre a brand new ultrasound bed, which they sorely need. We’re confident that with your support, we’ll surpass our goal and have a great time in the process!
All the Dance Details
The San Valentino dance is on February 3, 2018 at St. Anthony’s Banquet Hall and costs $70 per ticket. The ticket includes a 4-course Italian meal and live music by Tequila. Doors open at 6 PM, and you are encouraged to bring your dancing shoes.
Buy Tickets, or Donate Now
You can buy tickets through me, or you can email the Sons of Carpineto Romano. Can’t make it to the dance? That’s okay! You can still donate by following these simple steps:
- Go to our website >
- Fill out the information forms, and how much you’d like to donate
It’s really that easy!
How the San Valentino Dance Started
It’s a funny story, actually. The Sons of Carpineto Romano is made up of a group of friends whose families all immigrated to Canada from the same region of Italy. When we started spending time together again, we decided that we should give back to the community that has given us and our family so much.
Since we started the group, we’ve raised over $50,000 for local charities, and are now proud to continue raising money for the Women’s Breast Health Centre. Breast cancer affects so many women; chances are you know someone who has been affected by breast cancer.
That’s how the San Valentino dance was created. What better way to raise money for a worthy cause than to do it through a night of fun and food with friends?

Good food is always better when enjoyed with friends, especially when it’s for a good cause. Photo credit: Rogall Photos.
Thank You for Your Support
I send out my heartfelt appreciation to all of you who donate and for those of you who will be attending the party. I can’t wait to see you and share another fun night among friends.
Thanks again,